Abundance Information for Menidia menidia
Ref. principal
País United States (contiguous states) Ecossistema
Localização Salt marsh pools, New Jersey, USA Profundidade
Introduzida(s) Year Intro.
Estádio de vida not specified unsexed
Quantitative 1 Unidade numbers
Semi Quantitative Unidade
Qualitative rare
Ano 1995 - 1995 Período 1975-2000
Data 01/06/95 - 31/07/95 Record Type field sample
Record Type field sample
Seasonal Método random sampling
Notas Sampling site: Sheepshead Meadows, Jacques Costeau National Estuarine Research Reserve. Sampling gear used were experimental traps set flat on the bottom for 3 hours approximately 1m from the pool's edge.
(p.ex. 9948)
( p.ex. cephalopods )
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