Biblio Entry Summary for Aphaniops stoliczkanus
Citación Esmaeili, H.R., A. Teimori, F. Zarei and G. Sayyadzadeh, 2020, DNA barcoding and species delimitation of the Old World tooth-carps, family Aphaniidae Hoedeman, 1949 (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes).. PLoS One 15(4):e0231717
Referencia 125310 Esmaeili, H.R., A. Teimori, F. Zarei and G. Sayyadzadeh, 2020
Página 14;fig.5
Named Used as Valid Aphaniops stoliczkanus
Distribución Coastal areas of the Persian Gulf (ShourAb at Emamzadeh Shahid), the northern Arabian Sea east to Gujarat in India, the Gulf of Oman and some endorheic basins in Iran and Pakistan.
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