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Acanthistius ocellatus: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 526   (GBIF = 266, OBIS = 259, FB = 1)      View map: C-squares Mapper | Google Map
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Acanthistius ocellatus1972-36.20148.75I16971001 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.80148.80I.16971-001CAPE CONRAN : BOAT LAUNCHING RAMP
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-37.75149.7537311090-3314:479:4-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-37.75149.7537311090-3314:479:4-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-37.75149.7537311090-3314:479:4-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.75149.7537311090-3314:479:4-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.75149.7537311090-3314:479:4-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.75149.7537311090-3314:479:4-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1933-37.57149.75A 16 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-37.25149.7537311090-3314:479:2-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-37.25149.7537311090-3314:479:2-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-37.25149.7537311090-3314:479:2-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25149.7537311090-3314:479:2-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25149.7537311090-3314:479:2-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25149.7537311090-3314:479:2-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-36.75149.7537311090-3314:469:4-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-36.75149.7537311090-3314:469:4-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-36.75149.7537311090-3314:469:4-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.75149.7537311090-3314:469:4-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.75149.7537311090-3314:469:4-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.75149.7537311090-3314:469:4-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-37.57149.77A 7785 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.60149.80A16Mallacoota
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.60149.80A7785Batison Point, tide pool
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1972-36.90149.88I16970003 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1972-36.90149.88I16970015 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1972-36.90149.88I16970016 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.40149.90IB.7957NADGEE RESERVE : NADGEE RIVER
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.10149.90I.16970-015BOYDTOWN : NULLICA BAY
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.10149.90I.16970-016BOYDTOWN : NULLICA BAY
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.10149.90I.16970-003BOYDTOWN : NULLICA BAY
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1967-36.57149.90IB7957 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1976-36.50149.97I19893001 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.69149.99I.44633-016Moon Bay, south end, Mimosa Rocks National Park
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.69149.99I.44633-015Moon Bay, south end, Mimosa Rocks National Park
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.50150.00I.19893-001S OF NADGEE R MOUTH : N END OF BLACK POINT
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.30150.00I.28737-005Gutter, city rock Disaster Bay, Green Cape
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25150.00I.28728-005Rock pool on rock platform, bay W of city rock, Disaster Bay, Green Cape
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25150.00I.28727-013Shallow gutter at S corner of ocean side of Bittangabee Bay, Green Cape
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.20150.00I.28723-006Bittangabee Creek estuary
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.73150.00I28737005 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.22150.01I.28736-023Rock pool S of Bittangabee Bay, Green Cape
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.20150.01I.28738-022Off rocks below camping area (100 m E of GC 89-15), Bittangabee Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.20150.01I.28732-011Bitangabee Bay southern headland, tidal gutter
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.20150.01I.28735-019Off rocks near camping area (off whaling station) S side of Bittangabee Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.78150.01I28723006 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.78150.01I28735019 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.78150.01I28738022 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.75150.01I28727013 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.75150.01I28728005 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.78150.02I28732011 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1989-36.78150.02I28736023 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1973-36.00150.17I18556001 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.00150.20I.18556-0018KM S OF MORUYA : MULLIMBURRA POINT
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.80150.20I.21774-032S OF BATEMANS BAY : CA. 4KM S OF BATEHAVEN
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1976-34.22150.22I21774032 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-37.75150.2537311090-3315:370:3-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-37.75150.2537311090-3315:370:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-37.75150.2537311090-3315:370:3-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.75150.2537311090-3315:370:3-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.75150.2537311090-3315:370:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.75150.2537311090-3315:370:3-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-37.25150.2537311090-3315:370:1-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-37.25150.2537311090-3315:370:1-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-37.25150.2537311090-3315:370:1-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25150.2537311090-3315:370:1-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25150.2537311090-3315:370:1-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-37.25150.2537311090-3315:370:1-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-36.75150.2537311090-3315:360:3-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-36.75150.2537311090-3315:360:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-36.75150.2537311090-3315:360:3-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.75150.2537311090-3315:360:3-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.75150.2537311090-3315:360:3-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.75150.2537311090-3315:360:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-36.25150.2537311090-3315:360:1-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-36.25150.2537311090-3315:360:1-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-36.25150.2537311090-3315:360:1-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.25150.2537311090-3315:360:1-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.25150.2537311090-3315:360:1-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-36.25150.2537311090-3315:360:1-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-35.75150.2537311090-3315:350:3-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-35.75150.2537311090-3315:350:3-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-35.75150.2537311090-3315:350:3-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.75150.2537311090-3315:350:3-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.75150.2537311090-3315:350:3-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.75150.2537311090-3315:350:3-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-35.25150.2537311090-3315:350:1-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-35.25150.2537311090-3315:350:1-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-35.25150.2537311090-3315:350:1-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.25150.2537311090-3315:350:1-2001 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.25150.2537311090-3315:350:1-2000 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.25150.2537311090-3315:350:1-2002 Portal: GBIF. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.10150.70I.16848-001JERVIS BAY : BRISTOL PT.
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.10150.70I.16847-002JERVIS BAY : GREENPATCH BEACH
Portal: GBIF. Source: AM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus-35.00150.70A12520Wreck Bay, S of Jervis Bay
Portal: GBIF. Source: NMV
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Acanthistius ocellatus1971-34.87150.73I16848001 Portal: OBIS. Source: AM
Acanthistius ocellatus1973-35.05150.73A 12520 Portal: OBIS. Source: mv
Acanthistius ocellatus2002-36.25150.7537311090-3315:360:2-2002 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2001-36.25150.7537311090-3315:360:2-2001 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Acanthistius ocellatus2000-36.25150.7537311090-3315:360:2-2000 Portal: OBIS. Source: Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
Record indicates the presence of commercial catch records in the stated year within the stated 0.5 x 0.5 degree square. Additional information including catch weights and gross value product is available via the National Atlas of Commercial Marine Fisheri
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15